Fractured or Broken Ankle

Fractured or Broken Ankle

Ankle fractures are one of the most common fractures accounting for approximately 9% of all fractures. They range from relatively minor simple avulsion fractures to more complex fractures involving both the tibia and fibula. Not all fractures require surgical treatment but in most cases patients need to remain non-weight bearing or partial weight-bearing for the first 6 weeks from the date of the injury. Not everyone needs to be immobilized in plaster nowadays. The use of removable walker boots are often more comfortable, allowing patients to clean and wash their foot and ankle, and also allowing early range of motion exercises speeding up recovery. With dedicated physiotherapy and rehabilitation many patients are able to return to sports after 12-16 weeks.

Here at the A2F clinic we are able to deal with the whole range of ankle fractures with quick access to all types of imaging including x-rays,MRI and CT scans. We have access to emergency and routine theatre slots and use the most up to date low profile titanium locking plates and screws often allowing early mobilization and reducing the need for future surgery to remove the metalwork.